We need a boogie man to keep the congregation in line. You Mean a bogeyman? What’d I say? Boogie Man. Shit. Yes. Of course. Bogeyman. A Boogie man would be wholly inappropriate. …

We need a boogie man to keep the congregation in line. You Mean a bogeyman? What’d I say? Boogie Man. Shit. Yes. Of course. Bogeyman. A Boogie man would be wholly inappropriate. …
“Ever try apples…?” A snake. Of all the things you would think should get a lot of column inches in the Bible, Lucifer’s rebellion and his subsequent defeat is almost glossed over, relatively speaking, given the length of a story in the Bible about a talking donkey. After all, history is written by the victors,…
“At Vienna, one of the audience affirmed publicly that my performance was not surprising, for he had distinctly seen, while I was playing my variations, the devil at my elbow, directing my arm and guiding my bow. My resemblance to the devil was a proof of my origin” Niccol0 Paganini I recently watched a UFC…
Astronaut Gene Cernan is the subject of a documentary called The Last Man On The Moon. At one point he is interviewed at his ranch, sitting on his porch staring up at an infinite clear night sky. The camera moves from Gene to show a giant full moon, and he reminisces about having to remind…
Recently it has become apparent that white bread is not my friend. Perhaps it never was, but some personal detective work managed to link the ingestion of white bread with what feels like a shark attack inside me. The shark prowls about gnashing its considerable teeth forcing my stomach to expand as everything else in…
Don’t freak out, but you’re dead! Welcome to the Afterlife! You had a good run, and all of us here thoroughly enjoyed watching your life, so thank you for all the entertainment. We know that the transition from life to afterlife can be a lot to take in, but please remember everyone in history has…